Monday, July 15, 2024

So far it’s been a no sew summer

 It’s been a no sew summer for me at least since I finished quilting the last baby quilts. I need to stay home for a couple weeks to start a new quilt, I look at my books and choose some fabric and then we go again when we come home I look at my mess and am not inspired so I clear the table and start again……this has been happening for weeks. My fabric stash and ideas can wait the little girls will only be 3 for a few more months then they will be 4.  And off we go again.  What do I do on those 4 hour drives coming or going? Knit socks!! Unless of course I am driving. The roads are long and straight in South Dakota. These are socks since June and I’m using up the wee bits of leftover yarn.  Savoring the moments—Ann—

Friday, July 12, 2024

Drama in the sky

Sometimes the drama in the sky is better than what is on the television.  The top two pictures are the full moon rising at 11:30 ish. Then there are the rain clouds in all directions and sometimes a rainbow. —Ann—