Monday, November 12, 2018


 I had a bad case of monkey brain last week.  Too many things to do and not knowing where to start.  We are moving this week, on Thursday the movers are going to move our furniture to the new house so I have been moving stuff the past week and lots more to move this week.  I started moving some of the dishes and picked up a glass jar that had yogurt in it and thought should I keep this or put it in the recycle.  It is the perfect little jar for buttons so rather than sorting and tossing more of my stuff I sorted my buttons into the little jars by color.  Sometimes I just need to accomplish one little thing to feel like I accomplished something.  I found these really old fabric covered buttons I think they were on a coat my mother had in college. They were stitched to the garment through the cloth that pokes through the hole in the back of the metal part.
I'm moving my sewing room closet today.  I sure hope I can concentrate and not find trivial things to organize but I really like having my stuff organized.  --Ann--


Judy S. said...

Good luck with the move!

Deb said...

I like that yogurt too and the jars are very handy! Congratulations on the new house!