Tuesday, November 12, 2019

knitting progress

Its cold here as it is from the plains to the coast.  There is just enough snow on the ground to make it look and feel colder, the wind doesn't help either.  I remembered a paragagraph in a James Herriot book I used to read to my kids it was titled Moses the Kitten the story was wonderful and the pictures were even better "the Dales looked their coldest not when they were covered with snow, but as now, when the first sprinkling streaked the bare flanks of the fells in bars of black and white like the ribs of a crouching beast" The snow is caught in every rut and divot, leaves are still falling from trees, the wind cuts to the bone, its cold here.  Wool does help, wool socks, wool sweaters, wool scarves, wool hats, wool mittens and gloves.  A couple more evenings not watching tv and I should be done. Its only November I'm going to need a lot more sweaters.  Happy knitting --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

You have motored on that sweater! It’s beautiful. If I lived where you do, I’d never go outside in the winter. There aren’t enough wool items to keep me warm., 😬🥶 It’s snowing here today, but not really sticking. Happy knitting!