Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Coffee and Kahlua kind of day

It was a coffee and kahlua kind of day.  A cold, cold front moved in, not the kind that pushes the humidity out and brings a crystal blue sky.  This was the kind that dumps snow in the Black Hills and drops the temperature two seasons overnight.  The cicadas packed up their instruments to await another gig, kind of cold. Turn on the fireplace if I had, one kind of cold. Put on the wool socks and wool sweater kind of cold. That improved my attitude.  Homemade tomato soup kind of cold. Put on a stocking cap because I got a haircut and it is short, kind of cold. Curl up with a good book and a quilt, kind of cold. This is three days running now for the cold. Maybe today I will have a coffee and Bailey's.  --Ann--

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