Friday, September 3, 2021

Knitting on the road

 A little mid week road trip to close up the camper for the year and knitting on the road.  A good 3 hours of knitting on the way up and as many hours on the way home.  What progress!! Then as I was knitting a round at home I thought I should try it on. The neck is a bit snug. It’s really snug too snug for wool, I might like to wear a shirt or t neck underneath.  So I ripped it took less than an hour.  And now I can start over, make some notes, go up in needle size or use the same needles and go up a pattern size or find a different pattern.  I’ll knit something else while I think about it.  
Some days are like that.  

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Knitting is much easier to start over than quilting is! I like where you were headed with this sweater.