Buzz Saw is all plaids and stripes, mostly homespuns.
private collection
Large half square triangles were sewn together then 2 1/2 inch strip were cut from the half squares. The strips were rearranged in reverse order then sewn back together with the addition of another 2 1/2 inch strip to make it square again.
The buzz saws just called for sun faces and mandala designs in the quilting.
No two buzz saws are quilted the same.
quilting on the back
private collection
chalk lines for quilting the sun faces |
Another version of the Buzz Saw because I cut twice as many squares for HST as I needed. I goofed on this quilt
big time. I learned you have to pay attention to how you place the HST on the cutting board. All diagonals need to be the same upper left to lower right and always cut vertically. I cut my second group of 4 HST horizontally so my spin was opposite the first buzz saw, then the smaller "buzz saw" became a horizontal arrangement or a vertical. I had to repeat my mistake so it would be symmetrical. And the funny thing is this was the second quilt. The first quilt was easy because I
read and
followed the directions. I tried to do the second quilt from memory a couple years later and oops!!!!!
Learning from my mistakes,