Wednesday, May 8, 2019

years old sketches

I was driving around town the other day and spotted some daffodils blooming!!!  What a treat for the eyes but short of stopping the car and squishing across someones lawn to take a I  leafed through old sketchbooks amazing how they have improved on the shelf or the critic has left.
Life has just been busy with everyday stuff again meetings, lunches, phone calls and texts.  If the sky is blue I dress for spring then the clouds roll in and put long jeans and wool socks on again.  Rain is in the forecast again so a few more days of wearing wool then I'm going to have a spa day for all my wool sweaters.  Just rambling  --Ann--

1 comment:

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Yes, the critic has left and you should not invite that person back! Beautiful, thank you for sharing your talents!