Friday, October 25, 2019


 A week ago I rolled my ankle and it didn't hurt when it happened but half a day later it was throbbing.  I hobbled downstairs to get the bag with the yarn and pattern for the mouse, fiddley work and best done when I have to stay put with my foot up and on ice. What really hurt was it was sunny and warm and not windy so I couldn't go for a walk I did sit on the deck with my foot up and on ice and knit.  It really wasn't difficult just follow the directions line by line  Claire Garland writes wonderful patterns.  Last night I finished the jacket and ears.  He is so darn cute!  The rabbit is next.

A good start on another pair of socks for son for Christmas.  --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Your little buddy is adorable! I sure hope your ankle heals quickly!