Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Quilt seeds


I always cut too many parts when I make a quilt.  I put those leftover bits in a bag, sometimes I add a note to identify the block or measurements and because those little bits are too good  to just throw away. They are frequently the inspiration for another quilt.....seeds. Earlier this year I pulled out my pile of plaids then I dug through my box of quilt seeds, I had a dozen or so of these blocks and parts for a couple dozen more. I have always called this block the angle iron because it is so simple and versatile. Sew a few more blocks and decide how big I want to make this quilt and what colors I want to add, then cut some more parts. Sew, cut, press, cut, sew, count, cut some more, I need side triangles and border strips. Now  it’s time to play with the blocks.  --Ann--


Ramona said...

I have to live vicariously through my blog friends right now since my hidey hole is mostly packed up for the move. I really like where you "seeds" quilt is headed! Great use of the bits and pieces.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I love this and have a small quilt that looks much like this, I need to dig for it and I'll post a pic. It was a workshop back 25+ years ago entitled "Mad About Plaid". Best wishes for a great finish!

Judy S. said...

Quilt seeds, I love it!