Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Three weekends in a row

Three weekends in a row we have been able to see the little girls!! We got to skip the ‘getting reacquainted’ bit and go right to hugs and having fun. I brought the doll cradles for them to keep they had such fun with them last weekend. Putting Dollie’s and stuffed animals down for nap time kept them busy for many minutes. Stories and puzzles are always fun and selfies with grammas phone 70 some pictures of mostly foreheads. Then they would want to look at all the pictures and giggle. They call Grandpa “grampa”, they call me “Macca (mah ca)” I think they were trying to say “my gramma” but it became macca.  They can say “gramma” when they think about it but mostly I’m Macca.  I tried to get them to call me Granny Annie but that just makes them giggle more. I do love their giggles. Ann

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Time with the littles is the BEST!!