Monday, December 30, 2019

things I miss

Little things I miss:
  •  Phones with cords  too many private conversations in public places
  • Shopping in department stores  Shopping in big department stores was the best, they had fabulous window displays, merchandise was sensibly arranged by size and type of clothing. Outerwear was together, dressy was together, casual was together with all brands. Now the manufacturers have their section and all of their label is together so I can’t go to the sock section and see all the brands of socks in one spot I have to look all over the store.  No wonder online shopping is taking over.
  • Ovens with dials  I have to push the temperature button 15 times to go from 350 to 425 for a sheet pan dinner.  Why doesn’t it change in 25 degree increments instead of 5. Have you ever baked anything at 335?  I haven't.
  • Sliders on the controls in the car   It’s the same in the car, push push push it’s distracting me from driving.
  • zip codes in phone books  I was looking up addresses in the phone book to send Christmas cards and no zip codes not even a page of zips for the state however on further inspection of a couple other phone books put out by other companies they did have the zip codes but not the one I needed.
  • 8-12 ounce water glasses in eating establishments.  Do I really need to drink anything from a quart size vessel?
And a rant to end the year.  --Ann--


Ramona said...

I agree with you on several things, especially the phone cords! I am amazed at how many private conversations are loud enough for all to hear and I don't imagine the person on the other end would appreciate what is being broadcast to everyone. Happy New Year!

cityquilter grace said...

have to agree with you on push buttons....key pads in general....don't work well anyplace...