Thursday, June 11, 2020

blue sky

Those first couple days in June were perfect, the temperature, the breeze, the cloudless sky.............then we had an excess of heat, humidity, wind and clouds with thunderstorms. 
It was a perfect morning, the sky was blue the grass was green the sunlight seemed brighter,  I wanted to hang laundry on a clothesline.  I haven’t had a clothesline since five moves ago and I still don’t. It took me back to my childhood sitting there in the tire swing begging for a push while mom hung clothes on the line.  The colors of everything seemed more intense.  Is it my imagination or is it real? Fewer cars on the roads, fewer jets in the air could the air be a little cleaner and the sky brighter?

I tried to draw a tire swing from memory, not so good neither drawing nor memory,  then I tried to find a picture of a tire swing on the internet none were similar to the one I had as a child. Then an aha moment look in the photo books. I watched my dad make the tire swing for my kids. He cut an old tire (not the steel belted kind just a plain old tire)  with his pocket knife and he cut ears for the rope so the seat would stay in a chair position then he drilled a hole so rain water would drain. Not fun sitting in a puddle.  He used the anvil to turn it inside out making a very comfy seat. I spent hours in the tire swing as a child so did my kids.  Happy memories in a world that has come unglued  --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Having photos to look back on is the best! I never had a tire swing, but it sure looks comfortable. I agree that things were more intense color-wise back then. Or maybe it's because we have so many distractions today that we don't notice as much? Happy Day!