Monday, December 14, 2020

Continuing the tradition

My mother made Christmas stockings for my brothers and me and all my cousins on both sides of the family, then she made socks for the spouses and grandchildren. I made stockings for her last two grandkids, my two nieces     I made a stocking for daughter-in-law last Christmas and now I am making socks for my grandkids!!  I seem to put double exclamation marks at the end of sentences related to my twin grand daughters I have waited a long time to be a grandma!! And two at a time!!

My mother made the first sock in 1955 so I'm guessing the pages from the pattern book are at least that old.  She drew the grid on the pattern page then transfered the pattern to the brown paper pattern with a larger grid.  Does anyone know how to do that anymore?  You wanted to enlarge or shrink something you drew 2 grids then drew the lines to match what was inside each grid.

I'm slowly getting all the little emblishments sewn onto the wool felt. My fingers get soar from pushing, pulling and grabing the needle.  --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

What a wonderful tradition! I took my granddaughters stocking out to California when I went last week, just in case she arrives before Christmas. Now I’m working on one for my house. It’s so much fun to create for these littles, isn’t it?!?