Friday, February 4, 2022

on the needles

 I always have socks on the needles, the dark pair I keep changing patterns just because I can.  The other pair is a mock cable and I only work on those when I go to appointments with hubby.  Before Christmas I helped my daughter make a couple snap bags for Christmas gifts.  I can't believe I didn't take pictures of her bags.  I had to make one to refresh my memory to help her then I made another for a  knitting bag.  The directions  called for 3/4 inch wide metal tape measure for the snap closure,  all she could find was 1/2 inch or 1 inch so we used the 1/2 inch.  It is just right for a knitting bag the yarn pulls out so smooth and is easy to open and shove the socks in and no zipper to catch the yarn.  Warm feet and wool socks make winter so much more tolerable.  --Ann--


Ramona said...

I never thought to make a snap bag for my knitting. No zipper would be nice. I enjoy making the snap bags, too. Great sock yarn!

Judy S. said...

Love the socks! I am better at casting them on than finishing them. Your bags are really cute!