Monday, February 28, 2022

Reading #1

  1.  Rules of Civility by Amor Towles takes place in New York City in 1938 very good.
  2. To Die but Once by Jacqueline Winspear book 14 of Maisie Dobbs series.
  3. Paris for One by Jojo Moyes short stories.
  4. Aged for Murder by Fiona Grace  Murder mystery takes place at a winery in Tuscany 
  5. The Book of Hygge by Louisa Thomsen Brits pronounced Hoo gah a short book but a lot of words explaining finding comfort and contentment in simple everyday things and activities and appreciating family and friends.
  6. The Horse Dancer by Jojo Moyes another great book by this writer 
  7. Roaring Liberty by Jeane Grainger book 4 of Harp and Rose series.
  8. Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber takes place in a small town in Alabama, about family secrets, mothers and daughters, forgiveness and healing. A bit of a modern day fairytale. Delightful story and characters.
  9. Three Words for Good Bye by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb two sisters travel to Europe in 1937. Family secrets, forgiveness, understanding, using talents 
  10. The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie a who done it with lots of twists and turns. 
  11. Still Life by Louise Penny Murder mystery 
Book number 500 that I have read on my kindle since I got it just over 10 years ago.  The snow is melting again and warmer temps!!  Its fun to walk outside again.  Thinking about the next book.  --Ann--


Judy S. said...

Cute socks! I have Towls' newest book The Lincoln Highway waiting on my stack. Our book club read The Gentleman from Moscow which I wasn't crazy about, but the one you're reading was pretty good.

abhiramhabben said...
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