Tuesday, February 1, 2022

sweater knitting


Yippee January is gone!! There is more daylight every day!!  Lots of knitting in the evening when I'm not reading.  There has been very little on television that earns my full attention.  James Herriot on Sunday night is about it.  Hubby is changing channels everytime I look up so I knit.  Knitting this pattern again Fall River by Jennifer Wood.  The yarn is Misty Wool from Elsebeth Lavold it is 75% wool and 25% hemp  the color is Cloudberry.  Cloudberries are like a raspberry except they are yellowish orange when ripe they grow wild in the northern regions I had my first cloudberry jam in Sweden.  --Ann--


Judy S. said...

Your sweater projects are amazing! I have several that are languishing somewhere waiting for me to get inspired.

Ramona said...

The yarn is a beautiful color. I am fast at sewing (I first typed “fast sewer”, but didn’t want you to think I was a septic system!) but a very slow knitter. It’s still relaxing.