Wednesday, March 20, 2019

progress on sweater and life

Some progress on this sweater after doing some unknitting.  Hubby dear had a procedure done on Monday one of those things that used to be a big deal but now it's almost routine.  He is doing fine.  Anyway while I was waiting I was knitting merrily along and after a couple interruptions I forgot where I was in the row which I turned around and knit the other direction well a couple hundred stitches later I realize there is a problem, my eyelets are not matching up.  Later when he is resting comfortable and I have given up on a nap I look at my row one stitch at a time until I find the spot where I went wrong, place a marker and un knit one stitch at a time.  I finish knitting the row and oops I did something else not quite right.  I did decreases in the row that did not have decreases.  Unknit again. I didn't think I was all that stressed but maybe I was, I left it until I had a better nights sleep and now all my stitches are correct.  Note to self next time in the waiting room, knit socks not long lace rows.   --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

I'm glad your husband is doing well. Your sweater is going to be a beauty! So glad you were able to fix your mistakes.