Another lovely weekend with DD and a lot of laughs, the weather was fantastic for a home football game. Hubby's nieces came for the game so DD and I went to tailgating to visit with them (hubby was off hunting/fishing again) so we didn't go to the game but did watch some on tv. DD wanted to sew her blocks together because someday soon she is going to want to curl up with this quilt. She did feel a little guilty working on her quilt because it is the color of the opponents but we "pounded" them when she asked her phone for the final score. SDSU Jacks won 28 - 3 USD coyotes.
Its a rag quilt the seams are on the right side of the fabric.......when the blocks are arranged on the wall I couldn't pick them up and stack them the way I always do which is flip the right over the left picking up the top pair always on top or the way my brain works close the book keeping the first book on top. I thought to be able to "close the book" and pick then up as I always do we should flip them over to have the backing side together. Well the first 2 row were sewn together but the rows were flipped and 2 other blocks were turned

around. She had them arranged red / black. She wanted the plaid with the white background in the corner because one of those plaids was centered in the square, flip all the squares over again to the plaids, she could turn the row set around and rearrange blocks or move it to the other end of the blocks -- that was the easiest. Next pair of blocks......I want to turn them over again DD who is so much smarter than me says why don't we pick them up this way pinch the raw edges together and pull them off the wall.
I'm a visual learner so the book is laying open face down on the table and you pick it up by the spine and stack them keeping the first pair on top. Yes that worked so much better. I told you she was smarter than me. But I added a clip to each pair of blocks so she would always start sewing at the clipped edge. Everything is going swimmingly just a few ripped seams but nothing major. Now its time to sew the row sets together. She tried sewing the long row without pinning oops needed to rip. I pin the intersections for her to sew then she can ease in any fullness because its a rag quilt and all those little inconsistencies will come out in the wash. She asks me to help pin the next 2 row I'm pinching the seams together and she is handing me the pin I start laughing because I thought she was going to start pinning from the other end. She hands me another pin. (I was trying to sew quilt labels while she was working on this quilt.) She does pin the last two seams by herself. And wouldn't you know that white plaid that was centered that she wanted in the corner of the quilt is now in the center right edge in the top photo. No girl in her big girl panties going to cry over that!! A lovely weekend --Ann--