Monday, October 11, 2021

Cozy evenings knitting


Will I ever understand gauge and knitting!?!???  I thought I had it right, it seems kinda wide so I tried it on again when I had enough of the bodice knit to really be able to tell how it was going to fit. UGH like a potato sack!! Compare it to the sweater of the same pattern ugh its about 8 inches too big. 2 inches on each side plus front and back equals 8 inches.

I did knit my swatch and my stitches on size 7 needles were spot on but I think I have a tendency to knit tighter on a small piece and on a swatch I am knitting a row and purling a row so the tension is different than knitting in the round.  This yarn was too expensive for it to be an ugly ill fitting sweater so I will rip and either knit the same pattern on smaller needles or try a different pattern that will work for the size stitches I was making on size 7 needles. That might be the smartest thing to do since I know the gauge so find a pattern that has that gauge.  Its just time spent in front of the television on cooler nights. and it is football season hubby seems to find a game every night.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

This is a language that's a strange one to me as I've never been a knitter, but I do understand the problem. The knit piece is beautiful; perhaps it could be a gift for someone of that size? Enjoy your TV time!

Ramona said...

Thank goodness yarn is forgiving! If it were fabric, you'd be cutting the pieces into even smaller pieces and making something new.

Soma @ said...

Gauge and knitting eludes me too! That's thing I love about knitting, you can always restart, and I find it extremely relaxing. Your sweater will be beautiful when you finish it.
