Friday, September 15, 2023

A little art on the wall


DD was home a couple weekends ago, we went shopping for the little girls for birthdays and Christmas, I know its early but looking at the weekends ahead we thought we should take advantage of the nice weather and go shopping.  We had time so I looked for frames for these little paintings I bought in Italy pre pandemic. Frames have gotten wide--to wide for these delicate little paintings. Then I thought I could use two 5x7 frames that I had and cut the mats myself.  So I tried, the mat edge was very narrow, it would have been less than an inch and a quarter.  It did not enhance the paintings at all. So........let's do the clothesline.  I strung a string and clipped them up and found a few other little cards purchased on trips and added them to the clothesline, easy, and done............. five, six, maybe seven years later.  --Ann--


Ramona said...

That's a great way to display small pieces of art!

Judy S. said...

Very creative! Looks like you found some really nice paintings, too.