Monday, November 20, 2023

The sweaters fit!!

A delightful weekend with the little girls, they have had four birthday celebrations with different family gatherings, friends, daycare and finally us.  The first thing they asked was if I finished the sweaters but I didn’t let them open the packages until after the birthday supper by then the toys were all more exciting than the sweaters and neither one had time to put it on.  Finally the next day they did put them on.  I was glad I ripped and made the sleeves longer and the body and peplum longer too.  We played outside before the birthday supper because it was unusually warm for mid November they wore the sweaters I knit last year, they still fit but not for long.  Darling son said he was so glad I made the button holes bigger on the new sweaters. Wearing a hand knit sweater is like wearing a hug from grandma.  —Ann—



Ramona said...

How exciting that the sweaters fit. Your littles are just adorable!

Sharon M said...

Beautiful wool work, beautiful little girls.
You are so blessed.
Happy Thanksgiving!