Monday, May 18, 2020

Subtitles and knitting


I shouldn’t watch a British mystery with subtitles and try to follow complicated knitting instructions.....darling daughter introduced me to Broadchurch on net... over Mother’s Day weekend, the mystery deepens.....another twist to the plot. Concentrate. And oooops I've got the ear on the side of the head and a big gap in the middle..... In defense of the pattern designer the instructions are very clear and well written. I am instructionally challenged and might have inserted the illustration on page 4 instead of page 6 but then she probably wasn’t watching a mystery with subtitles as she wrote them.  It was an easy fix with my morning fix. I did have to reheat my coffee.  On to the next step.  --Ann--


Ramona said...

This is why I knit so many socks.. and vanilla socks at that. I do a lot of knitting while keeping my husband company as he watches tv. I cannot "watch" and follow a pattern at the same time. Will he be a bunny?

Judy S. said...

I hear you! I can only do plain knitting and watch TV! What pattern are you using? It sure looks like a cute bunny!