Thursday, July 16, 2020

another little finish and a beginning...........

I finished some little socks, two pair.
I have been sitting on a secret since Memorial Day weekend, son and daughter-in-law told us they are having a baby in December. It was hush hush. Then a couple weeks later they showed us the ultrasound pictures and they are having twins!  I still feel dazed, dumbstruck, gobsmacked, befuddled, deer in the headlights Wow! I’m going to be a grandma!!  My concentration has been zip lately with the exception of knitting anyway I thought I had baby quilts covered now I need to make twinsie gender neutral quilts because they don't want to know the gender until they are born, there are so few surprises left in life as if twins wasn't surprise enough.  Starting new quilts, starting new knitting projects and they will be small!!  --Ann--


cityquilter grace said...

oh my a double are indeed fortunate...

Ramona said...

Oh Congratulations! It's such an exciting time. With my first grandchild coming at the end of the year, I, too, have been busy thinking and planning. One quilt is done and one sweater/bootie set has been knitted. Enjoy the creating of little items!

Joyful Quilter said...

Congratulations! What a great way to start out being a grandma!

Judy S. said...

Wow, that's a fun surprise! You will enjoy being a grandma!