Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May Day What Day

 What day will the daffodils bloom? Sketches from a few years ago and the March date daffodils are from the store.  What day will I put on footies instead of wool socks?  What day will I wear a cotton T instead of a wool sweater?  What day will I wear the crapris?  What day will I put them on instead of changing halfway through the day?  This is what I need to do when I am doing less is sketch again.  What day will I do that?  --Ann--


Ramona said...

Hopefully soon! Our flowers bloomed late here in Virginia, too, and were just gorgeous this year. The prettiest they have been in years. Happy drawing!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Soon-- very soon; the wait makes it all the more cherished when spring arrives for good! Your artwork is inspiring!

Judy S. said...

Warmer temps would be appreciated here,too, but at least the sun is out and trying now! Have a great weekend!