Tuesday, November 1, 2022



I have been listless lately no not feeling poorly or lack of energy, listless as in no to do list to keep me on track.  I completed the page long list when hubby was hunting and it was a long list but when it was completed I didn't make a new list with new projects and goals.  I need a list of blog possible items.  I could look back and make a list of all the little things accomplished the last 2 weeks but that seems counter productive just to make a list to be able to cross things off the list but it has been done when I deviate from my list and add something that wasn't on the list. The weather here has been glorious more like September than the end of October and first day of November so more time has been outside enjoying the warmth of the sun and lack of bugs. We went up to see the little girls over the weekend and drove home on Monday another glorious day in South Dakota!! They will be 2 in another week and a half.  They guys went fishing, we played ring around the rosie and kicked a ball, filled pockets with rocks, looked at pretty leaves just enjoyed the beautiful weather.

I may sit outside and read this afternoon I can clear my work table so I can start a new project and list when the next cold front moves in until them I'm going to savor the memories of the weekend and enjoy the day.  --Ann--

1 comment:

Judy S. said...

Enjoy those sunny days! We've had lots of much needed rain recently, but grey skies and wet walks do get tiresome. Love those hats on your cute little models; where'd you get those neat name tags?