Thursday, September 13, 2018


Darling Daughter was home again for a girls weekend.  Hubby went fishing again.  We always watch movies and make pizza from scratch and tip a couple glasses of wine.  As she was flipping through the channels looking for something worth watching she came across The Lego Movie she said it was brilliant but it didn't make sense until the end.  She recorded it for me since it was in progress but would air again over the weekend.  I watched it the other night and can't stop thinking about it.  Its about life lessons, following rules and instructions like comb your hair and brush your teeth, smile when you greet people, return a compliment etc  but also about following instructions putting your Legos together and not deviating from the plan and about being an individual.  I had no idea there were so many designer collections of Legos, kinda like quilt fabric.
Are you one to make a quilt entirely from one collection?  Or do you add fabric from your stash?  I'm a deviator, sometimes I don't have much of a plan at all when I start a quilt I just see where the fabrics take me.  I like lots of variation in my blues and greens and reds and every other color on the palette because it adds interest.  I usually start by thinking I'll make a pastel quilt or an earthy colored quilt or a bright quilt and pull out a pile from the stash and pick and choose until I have a working pile of lights and darks and many values in between.
The movie was delightful and thought provoking if you need a little mental vacation watch the movie.  I'm not going to tell you any more.
I helped DD sew some new pillowcases to go with her quilts because they were starting to shred.  Then I helped her finish knitting the third teddy bear from the weekend before and I forgot to take pictures. The third was the cutest.  We watched The Ride with Helen Hunt and Luke Wilson as surfing instructor.  Helen Hunt does not make surfing look easy.  The movie is about her teenage son, a recent high school graduate, rebelling and finding his way.
There I deviated again from where this post started.  --Ann--

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