Wednesday, March 24, 2021

March to March knitting madness


Thirteen months of knitting and probably about 6 miles of yarn.  There are 1760 yards in a miles I definitely used that much yarn in the sweater for hubby and the yellow sweater.  Most long sleeve pullovers for me have 1300-1600 yards of yarn.  Thats a lot of yarn!! It was time well spent in front of the television I don’t often just sit in front of the tv my hands need to be doing something.  Top sweater is so close to done. Red linen is a t shirt style sweater, yellow cotton cardigan, orange sweater, yarn gift from son and daughter-in-law, cream knit twice because first time it looked frumpy. I don’t like to look and feel frumpy. Bright blue is Kenzie yarn same yarn and  pattern as top sweater but a different cable. Bottom sweater is pullover reknit for hubby from a cardigan I knit a couple years ago. I must have been hard up for yarn when I decided to rip that sweater.  --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Now that's a pile of beauty! Your hands have been busy and this is just the knitting of sweaters. You don't show your socks, hats, baby items and quilted items you've made in the last 13 months. I'm like you.. have to be doing something with my hands. Preparing for this move has been difficult because almost everything is packed up. I finished knitting a sock last night, but didn't leave out a needle to use for the kitchener stitching! UGH!!