Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Speed Knitting

Only a couple more twists in the cables and I'll be ready once again to knit the binding.  Its amazing how fast I can knit on a short cable so I'm not continually pushing stitches around and the use of a string counter to keep track of my cable twists and twizzles.  I made this one with 12 holes, I twist all the cables on loop 1 and the outside cables on loop 7,  quick counting!!!  I'll use 2 counters on the sleeves one for the cables and one for the decreases.  My center cable is doing a 1440 or a quad I need to add at least another 180 if not a 360.  Am I mixing my metaphors or just my terminology and sports??  Who would have ever thought the word grab would be used as a technical sports word in snowboarding. Rather refreshing to disassociate the word with men behaving badly and the me too revelation.  Hope you are enjoying the olympics as much as I am.  --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Gorgeous! You are speed knitting! It will be finished before you know it.