Friday, February 15, 2019

on and off the needles

 It's been one of those not much to blog about weeks here.  I watch the snow fall one day then watch it blow the next.  Nature is just not happy with where she places the snow the first time.  We had electric cove heating installed downstairs so I don't have to wear my leggings under my jeans to sew. I got new glasses with distance correction that make me want to wear them.  Then I had my teeth cleaned and a cracked tooth repaired and scheduled a haircut. You know just everyday self maintenance stuff this week.
 New knitting projects: the Hitofude cardigan for daughter, the lace pattern is easy there are just soooo many repeats in each row.  New socks the dark blue are and alpaca wool blend on size 7 needles I really should give them my undivided attention because the will feel so good inside my snow boots, and the other are a tweed with a mock cable no cable needle required.  Knit 2 together without slipping off the needle then knit the first stitch again and pull both off the needle, do that twice purl 2 and repeat, the next row is k4, p2, 3rd row k1, k2tog then knit the first of the k2tog, k1, p2 and row 4 is k4, p2.  Pretty easy.
And I finished my very bright yellow sweater may need to tone it down by wearing my bright blue vest over it to the jackrabbit games.  I'm still learning how to use my new camera from last fall like focusing when using the self timer and I still can't figure out if there is a burst mode with self timer or maybe its the glasses and the camera wanted to defuse the focus to reduce or eliminate the wrinkles and creases that I can see now.  The needles have been busy and  another week of winter is behind us.  --Ann--

1 comment:

Ramona said...

You have really been on a knitting roll with all of this cold weather. It's nice that you can quilt now without having to dress for the tundra. Your yellow sweater is great! Your camera just wanted us to see what it would look like in a blizzard! :D