Wednesday, February 6, 2019


The snow fell without making a sound, it just fell all soft and pretty like a kitten and just like a kitten the cuteness wears off when you realize it’s going to turn my into a cat.  But the snow just fell vertically usually it comes sideways and stings when it hits flesh.  The snow turning into bigger and bigger piles and staying until May.  I don’t really dislike cats but a cat would tangle my yarn and rearrange my quilt blocks and lay on my kindle when the battery gets warm. I had a cat a long time ago and the winter.... well its going to be a long one.  --Ann--


cityquilter grace said...

i get that completely...lived in new england where the charm of new fallen snow wears off a lot quicker than the kitten to cat analogy...LOL

Rose said...

Haha...about the cat statements. They also like to play in the potty and you sit down not realizing they have splashed water on the seat.