Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 I picked one red ripe strawberry from my patch on Monday. It was delicious but one  just wasn't enough so daughter and I drove 2 hours to Sanderson gardens (one of hubbies high school buddies has a truck garden a few miles from where I grew up) and picked berries and more berries.
We actually picked 4 gallon buckets but I gave 2 quarts to oldest son, his birthday is today 28 years old and I gave 2 quarts to my dad before we headed west toward home.

"Doubtless God could have made a better berry (than the strawberry), but doubtless God never did."  William Allen Butler
' Long 'bout knee deep in  June, 'bout the time strawberries melt on the vine....  from a poem by James Whitcomb Riley

The best berries are just picked and warm from the sun. ~~Ann~~

1 comment:

sherry said...

oh i am so jealous....the berry plants are just blooming berries for at least another month