Friday, January 4, 2019

New Year Resolutions or To Do List

A day to myself what fun to catch up on reading blogs and updating mine.  I hope I didn't offend anyone by deleting their blog from my sidebar but if you haven't posted in over a year...................      I also added some new blogs.  One check off the to do list for 2019.
I have been reading lots of lists on social media of resolutions or goals or good intentions whatever you chose to call them:
-A common one is to break a bad habit.  I don't have any bad habits no really I don't smoke or drink in excess or bite my nails.  I'm sure I have annoying habits but they annoy others not me.  If they annoyed me or were bad for my health I wouldn't do them.  I read a really good book about habits a couple years ago by Charles Duhigg.  He looks at why it is a habit and specific things to change the habits.
-Another frequent resolution is to learn a new skill.  I have lots of skills and each one involves  a bunch of crap as in creative resources and products.  I don't need another stash of crap in my life so no new skills here.
-Visit a new place....thats on schedule for later this winter.
-Try a new food  looking forward to that, what new flavor of ice cream is out there?
-Taking a risk is another common resolution.  I do that every time it snows here with the way some people drive or can't put the cell phone down while they drive they should resolve to be safe.
My to do list for 2019 which is so much less serious and more forgiving and flexible than easily forgotten and rigid resolutions
  1. Finish and old project or two or three
  2. Work from the stash  fabric and yarn
  3. Use less disposable stuff
  4. Use the good dishes
  5. Eat more vegetables 
  6. Eat less sugar less and refined grains
  7. Drink more water especially before meals
  8. Be grateful
  9. Be kind
  10. Say a prayer
Best wishes for 2019 and may all your lists be doable --Ann--


Ramona said...

Great resolutions! I typically don’t set any, but may this year. Thank you for your comments on my blog! Happy New Year!🎊

KrisR said...

Love this! I don't 'do' resolutions. I just like to greet each day when it appears.